Olympic Volunteers Sought
485 days remain until China's Coming Out party. Prior to the opening of the first Olympic Games to be held in China, the organizing committee is scrambling to get volunteers. Web sites have been created and the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and the Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer Work Coordination Group are now trying to get volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic games from outside the Chinese mainland.
The BOCOG has set a goal of 100,000 volunteers: 70,000 for the Olympic Games, 30,000 for the Paralympic Games. According to the official web site of the Games, more than 410,000 applications have been received to date.
In June, 2008, BOCOG will begin recruiting more than 400,000 city volunteers to help with “information, translation, first-aid and other services at 2,000 urban service stations around the competition venues and key areas of Beijing.”
Online Applications
Hong Kong residents: www.hab.gov.hk
Macao residents: www.sport.gov.mo
Chinese Taipei residents: www.bjtx.org
Overseas Chinese: www.bjqb.gov.cn
Others: www.ebeijing.gov.cn
Applications must be submitted prior to the end of March 2008. Successful candidates will be notified in May 2008.
The Games of the XXIX Olympiad, in Beijing, will take place from August 8 – 24, 2008. The Games will feature competition in 28 summer sports. Some 10,500 athletes are expected to participate, and around 20,000 members of the media will cover the Games.

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