Immediately across the road from the north entrance to the Forbidden City lies Jingshan Park. Jingshan Park is also known as Coal Hill.
It owes its existence to the moat built around the Forbidden City in 1420. Not only did the park provide somewhere to store the soil dug out of the moat, but it was planned in line with fengshui practice to protect the palace from the northern winds.

There is a marker and notice board with the story on the eastern path in the park.

Activities in the Park
Adding to the joy of the colourful display is experience of mixing with thousands of Jingshan Park’s local population who come to exercise or relax in the park.
You are in for a real treat if you time your visit to a Sunday morning when people come to exercise with tai chi, sword dancing, dancing, skipping or simply strolling the many paths around, up or down the hill in the centre of the park.
If you enjoy mass choirs you are in the right place to be entertained by choirs both small and large. You will be welcomed to join in with the fun, or to relax and enjoy the skills of many novice performers.
The park has some excellent bonsai displays, along with changing indoor displays of Chinese handicrafts or art work.

Access & Hours
Open: 6 am to 10 pm every day
Cost: 5 rmb
1 Wenjing Street, Xicheng District
Telephone: 64044071

Photographer: Russell Uebergang
© Beijing-Visitor.com